Our images move

for you

JES \\ Stedelijk Leiderschap

Jongeren die zoveel drive en ondernemingszin in zich hebben om van hun buurt een betere plek te maken. Bij JES noemen we deze jongeren stedelijke leiders. Samen verbinden, engageren, empoweren en inspireren ze. In deze video De hele maand oktober brengen we stedelijk leiderschap in beeld.

Visueel gedicht\\ Amber Setta

Deze video werd geproduceerd voor Stadsgroen project, een samenwerking tussen Rataplan en stadsdicheter Seckou Ouologuem.

“Dit zijn de plaatsen waar ik een emotionele openbaring heb ervaren, daarom vind ik hier mijn rust. Mentaal en fysiek. “

— Amber Setta

Rataplan \\ Onze Buurt

This is Our Neighbourhood , a story about connection and meetings, about the dreams and ideas that live behind the many walls around Rataplan. We were inspired by residents to create a door-to-door show based on the stories they shared with us. Performance by ROESTGROEP, visuals by Zahra Elj and soundscape by Ramos Sama.

Cluj Design Days

Cluj Design Days is a series of complex events that celebrates and promotes Romanian design, innovation and business. In time, Cluj Design Days increased to two yearly fairs, an exhibition and four theme parties.


Spotlight - Belgium in Romania

- commissioned by The Embassy of Belgium in Romania, we created an online video series showcasing Belgian-Romanian ties.


Banfy Castle - Restoration Camp

The Bánffy Castle is one of the most significant castle ensembles in Transylvania. The ensemble formerly known as the Versailles of Transylvania reached an extremely precarious condition by the end of the nineties. Today Banffy Castle organises yearly international restoration workshops, from which both students and the castle benefit.



